Growing your own food can be an incredibly rewarding experience, reconnecting you with nature while producing beautiful, sustainable and clean produce for you and your family.

Whether it's around the compost bin or around the dinner table, an edible garden provides a great opportunity for people of all ages to bond over a shared interest. Through managing your own garden, you will learn everything from soil sciences to practical entomology and troubleshooting.  

When properly designed, a permaculture edible garden will work with the existing environment.

This means that adding a production aspect to your existing landscape will add to its natural beauty. By using native trees, shrubs and companion plants while avoiding harsh synthetic chemicals, our gardens will contribute to the beneficial wildlife we all enjoy but are often overlooked with traditional planting methods.

We believe that every Edible Garden should conform to the environment as well as those living there. Our team will work with you to form a custom plan that fits your wants and needs. Our team is made up of active growers experienced with heirlooms and ethnobotanicals found in small gardens across America in addition to the modern hybrids grown on the large farms that feed us all. With GreenPro, every niche desire is covered. 

Not sure where to start? Already have a garden that needs some help? Our plant specialists with decades of hands-on experience are ready to walk you through it, start to finish. From veteran to novice growers, the GreenPro Edible Garden Team can elevate your garden to the next level or start you off on the path to food security and a further connection with nature.  


Property assessment

— A team member will take light measurements and soil samples to determine the best place for your Edible Garden or to troubleshoot an established garden.

Garden design

— Once a location has been determined, we will then work with you to find the design that fits your aesthetics and flows well with the landscape.

Plant selection

— At this stage we will build a plant palette to meet your preferred produce and a planting plan to keep your garden bountiful all season.

Garden Plans

— The services we offer are very flexible and can meet your needs big or small. Based on your preferences we can offer you a range of services from education and training to full service maintenance and harvesting.


— At the end we will go over what you can expect from your garden and our team going forward. This will include potential yields, maintenance plans, soil/light assessments, product/treatment recommendations as well as common issues in an organic garden.



— Based on your consultation visit, our team will design and construct a system of raised beds to fit your custom garden plan, with softscape pathways providing an open, welcoming and no hassle experience.


— Using only high quality, weather tested materials and manufactured with care in house, our custom raised garden beds will feed you for years to come.

-With our whole team being active growers, we understand how messy plant projects can be. Rest assured that cleanup will be fast and through, leaving no harm to existing landscaping.

Beyond just gardens

— A garden is only one part of sustainable food production. Take advantage of our knowledgeable specialists and ask about our composting program and custom rain barrels. These extra steps can help limit your impact on the environment, fully utilize your space and reduce your water bill. 


Once any garden is installed maintenance is key. Edible gardens pose a unique challenge, as the goal is to not only maximize beauty, but also yields. We offer a wide range of services to fit your needs and budget. Services we offer in our maintenance plans include:

— Harvesting of fresh produce

— Removal and replanting of plants no longer productive

— Clean up of dead leaves and debri, either removed from the property or composted by client request.

— Pruning, training and trellising of plants

— Pest monitoring, plant and soil assessment with a written report or a meeting, by client request.

— Running and testing irrigation.

— Nutrient management with regular applications of organic fertilizers and soil amendments.

— Pest control using environmentally friendly and organic materials

— General garden reports given in writing or by directly speaking with your plant specialist. 

Learn at home

We can offer at home lessons given by our experienced growers with flexible lesson plans. Become comfortable with the ins and outs of your own organic garden! Learn everything you need to know in order to get the most out of your efforts. Lesson options include:

— Day-to-day operations of an organic garden

— Pest identification and management

— Basics of soil science and living soils

— Plant disease identification and management

— Permaculture and no-till growing

— Composting and compost teas

— Maximizing yields in an organic garden

— Beneficial organisms and you

— Basics of modern irrigation

— Ethnobotanicals and medicinal herbs